We’ll pass your psychometric tests for you. Confidential & highly-effective.
Take My Tests has been established since the global recession of 2007. With employers forcing employees to be made redundant, the need of quantifiable metrics for employee competency required. This gave growth to psychometric tests and it comes as no surprise, that a confidential and professional service was required where you can pay someone to do psychometric tests. This is when TakeMyTests was born.
Whether you are looking to pass psychometric tests, or looking to pay someone to do SHL tests - TakeMyTests has you covered! TakeMyTests was the first to offer online psychometric test taking services and we still retain our unrivalled #1 position to this day - allowing you to pay professionals to do psychometric tests for you.
TakeMyTests UK is proud to be 100% UK-based: comprising of cherry-picked psychometric test takers and knowledgeable advisors who are a call away! We take 0% risk of failing psychometric tests - why settle for mediocre percentiles, when you can pay professionals to pass your psychometric tests with top percentiles?
Thanks to TakeMyTests, you no longer need to be anxious of failing to pass psychometric tests. You can pay someone to take your tests – whatever they may be.
If you were looking to:
Generally: pay someone to do psychometric tests
Broadly: pay someone to do numerical test
Specifically: pay someone to do SHL tests
You have found your match!
Welcome to TMT.co.uk
We understand the need for completion discretion for a test taking services like TakeMyTests – allowing you to pay someone to pass psychometric tests. Unlike other providers which we will not name and shame, we keep your information safe and secure. How do you know? Firstly, we have an encrypted HTTPS certification; secondly you only deal with TakeMyTest’s in-house team and no-one else. Additionally, TakeMyTests will invest in technology and encryption – be it emails, WhatsApp conversations, or sensitive data. We could go on, but your time is precious – we will stop boring you with the details.
We’ve all read about data breaches from the small firms to the world’s most established. In today’s 21st century, the need for discretion and confidentiality is greater than ever before.
At TakeMyTests.co.uk, you deal with just us – a centralised team of bespoke professionals. We have seen TakeMyTests grow from a seed to the giant manifestation it has become. Our team have reaped the rewards and their level of professionalism, competency and enthusiasm will never stagnate. And that, is a TakeMyTest Promise!
Want to be part of our monthly Newsletters? Be updated on the latest job vacancies, test providers and test formats - with tips, tricks and everything else that comes with it! Psst... we may even throw in a discount from time-to-time (keep it a secret)!
Names and faces have been changed for privacy and confidentiality reasons, but the reviews are 100% genuine for TakeMyTests!
Haylee Syale
NHS Graduate Scheme
I have been working in the healthcare industry for many years. As part of a promotion, I was required to pass a SHL numerical reasoning test, verbal reasoning test and logical reasoning test. TakeMyTests took my tests and passed in the best percentiles - highly recommend!
Emmanuel Gray
PwC Consulting Programme
PwC have changed their psychometric tests to the PwC Career Valuation SJT and PwC Game-based assessment. I struggled passing these last year and I did not want to waste another opportunity. TakeMyTests passed both tests and helped me secure a Consulting role in the Riverside London PwC office!
Harry Holbrook
JP Morgan Investment Banking Analyst
I was looking to pay someone to do my psychometric tests. I wanted to hire professionals to take my tests and Take My Tests UK did exactly that! If you are looking to pay someone to take tests, TakeMyTests is the one!